CMGAbstractGels | Is a container of MGAbstractGel, to specify what kind of gels are required |
CMGAutoGelRegister< T > | ファクトリーレジストリーにエントリーする便利クラス |
CMGBezierMove | Bezier curveをつまみ変形するためのclass |
CMGBisection | A virtual super class to solve non-linear equations by the bicection method |
CMGBox | Defines a Box of any space dimendion |
CMGBPointSeq | Defines BPoint seq of a space dimension and of a capacity |
CMGCCisect_list | Defines a list of MGCCisect(curve to curve intersection) |
CMGCFisect_vector | MGCFisect_vector defines a vector of MGCFisect |
CMGCoons | Defines Coons Patch surface |
CMGCParam_list | MGParam_Vector provides a list to store parameters of a curve |
CMGCSisect_list | MGCSisect_list defines linked list of MGCSisect |
CMGCurveContinuity | Curve continuity measuring class |
CMGCurveParameter | Utility class to compute a curve parameter defined by f(t)=0 |
CMGDefault | Defines default values of each class |
CMGDrawParam | Defines parameters to draw MGObject, maily to approximate by lines and facets |
CMGEReal | MGEReal is extended real number to define infinity |
CMGFPline | Face's (u,v) parameter value line |
CMGFPoint | MGFPoint is to represent a Face or Surface point |
►CMGFSurface | MGFSurface is an abstract class to provide the comman interfaces to MGFace and MGSurface |
CMGFace | MGFace is a trimmed surface |
►CMGSurface | MGSurface is an abstract class of 3D surface |
CMGBSumSurf | Defines Boolean sum surface |
CMGCylinder | MGCylinder is a Cylinder in 3D space |
►CMGPlane | MGPlane is infinite plane in 3D space |
CMGPlaneImage | MGPlaneImage defines square image plane |
CMGRSBRep | Defines Surface B-Representation of rational form |
CMGSBRep | Defines Surface B-Representation, that is , B-Spline surface |
CMGSphere | MGSphere is a Sphere in 3D space |
CmgFuncTypeSwitcher | Utility class to invoke glsl's setFuncType |
►CMGGel | MGGel is an abstract class which represents a group element |
►CMGAttrib | MGAttrib is an abstract class that defines attribute elements of MGGel |
CMGAppearance | A container class to hold MGGLAttrib objects |
CMGContext | MGContext defines the attributes of a document |
►CMGGLAttrib | MGGLAttrib is an abstract class which defines the enum of undefined or disabled |
CMGColor | MGColor defines the OpenGL color (R,G,B,A) |
►CMGLight | MGLight is an abstract base class for light sources |
CMGDirectionalLight | MGDirectionalLight is a directional light source that approximates infinite light sources as the sun |
►CMGPointLight | MGPointLight is a point light source that radiates equally in all directions |
CMGSpotLight | A directional light source |
CMGLights | Container class for light sources(MGDirectionalLight, MGPointLight, or MGSpotLight) |
CMGLineStipple | MGLineStipple defines line stipple patters |
CMGLineWidth | MGLineWidth defines line width of a curve |
CMGName | Defines MGAttribedGel's Name data |
CMGRenderAttr | MGRenderAttr defines the attributes of rendering attributes |
►CMGAttribedGel | Is an abstract class which provides interfaces of MGGel that has MGAppearance |
CMGGroup | MGGroup is a class which constains MGGel elements |
►CMGObject | Is an abstract class which represents a whole geometry and a topology |
►CMGGeometry | MGGeometry is an abstract class which represents a whole geometry |
►CMGCurve | MGCurve is an abstract class which represents a whole curve |
CMGBSumCurve | Define MGBSumCurve Class(Boolean sum curve of three curves) |
CMGCompositeCurve | MGCompositeCurve is a composite of other leaf curves |
CMGEllipse | MGEllipse is a class to define an ellipse of 2D or 3D |
►CMGLBRep | MGLBRep is a class for B-SPline representation |
CmgTL2Polyline | MgTL2Polyline holds a parameter line(polyline) of a surface |
CMGRLBRep | Defines Rational Line B-Representation |
CMGStraight | MGStraight is a curve of any space dimension, represent a straight line |
CMGSurfCurve | MGSurfCurve is a curve on a surface |
CMGTrimmedCurve | MGTrimmedCurve is a part of an original curve of a limitted parameter range |
CMGPoint | MGPoint represents one dimensional manifold, a point in a space |
CMGSurface | MGSurface is an abstract class of 3D surface |
CMGStl | MGStl is a concrete class which represents an STL information |
►CMGTopology | MGTopology is an abstract class which represents a whole Topology |
►CMGCellBase | Is an abstract class and the super class of MGPVertex and MGCellNB |
►CMGCellNB | CellNB is a cell without boundaries(No Boundaries) |
CMGBVertex | MGBVertex is 0 manifold dimension binder cell, is an point |
►CMGCell | MGCell is a general cell that has bound |
CMGFace | MGFace is a trimmed surface |
CMGEdge | MGEdge is an instance of MGCellNB, represents a boundary element of 2D manifold |
CMGPVertex | MGPVertex is a parameter cell of the manifold dimension 0 |
►CMGComplex | MGComplex is a container of parameter cells and binder cells |
►CMGBoundary | MGBoundary is a boundary of more than 1 manifold dimension |
CMGLoop | MGLoop is a boundary of a face, a boundary of 2D manifold cell |
CMGShell | MGShell is a composition of MGFace's(trimmed surface) |
►CMGGelFactoryBase | Factory Method 用のインターフェイス(MGGelFactoryTのために定義) |
CMGGelFactoryT< T > | オブジェクトファクトリークラス用テンプレートクラス |
CMGGelFactoryRegistry | オブジェクトファクトリークラス |
►CMGGelPosition | MGGelPosition is a class to locate where a gel is in a group hierarchy |
►CMGPickObject | MGPickObject is a class to locate where an object is in a group hierarchy |
CMGPickObjectCB | MGPickObjectCB is a MGPickObject that includes the boundary information of a MGCurve |
CMGPickObjectFB | Is a class to locate where an object is in a group hierarchy |
CMGPickObjectSB | Is a MGPickObject that includes the perimeter information of a MGSurface |
CMGGelPositions | MGGelPosition Container Class |
CmgGLFramebufferObject | オフスクリーンレンダリング処理で使用するフレームバッファオブジェクトクラス |
CmgGLSLProgram | MgGLSLProgramはOpenGL Shader Programをcompile , linkしてそのuniform変数の管理を行います |
CMGglViewAttrib | MGglViewAttrib is a class to serialize MGOpenGLView |
CMGHHisect | MGHHisect is to represent one continuous intersection line of shells |
CMGHHisect_vector | MGHHisect_vector defines a vector of MGHHisect |
CMGIfstream | MGIfstream is a class to read the serialized data generated by MGOfstream |
CMGIges504EdgeListMap | Is the class to store MGEdge*(newed objects) generated for MGIges504 EDGE list |
CMGIgesDEStatusNumber | MGIgesDEStatusNumber describes the Status Number of a directory entry section |
CMGIgesDirectoryEntry | MGIgesDirectoryEntry describes a directory entry section of an IGES file |
►CMGIgesFstream | MGIgesFstream is a super class for MGIfstream and MGOfstream |
CMGIgesIfstream | MGIgesIfstream read in *.iges; *.igs file, transforming IGES objects to MGCL objects |
CMGIgesOfstream | MGOgesIfstream write out to *.iges file, transforming MGCL objects to IGES objects |
CMGIgesGSec | MGIgesGSec describes a Global Section of a IGES file |
CMGIgesParamLine | MGIgesParamLine describes a line of Parameter Data of an IGES file |
►CMGIgesPD | MGIgesPD is the parent class of all the Parameter data section type |
CMGIgesPD100 | MGIgesPD100 is the class for Iges parameter data type 100(circular arc) |
CMGIgesPD102 | MGIgesPD102 is the class for Iges parameter data type 102(Composite curve) |
CMGIgesPD104 | MGIgesPD104 is the class for Iges parameter data type 104(conic arc) |
CMGIgesPD108 | MGIgesPD108 is the class for Iges parameter data type 108(Plane) |
CMGIgesPD110 | MGIgesPD110 is the class for Iges parameter data type 110(LINE) |
CMGIgesPD112 | MGIgesPD112 is the class for Iges parameter data type 112(Parametric spline curve) |
CMGIgesPD116 | MGIgesPD116 is the class for Iges parameter data type 116(POINT) |
CMGIgesPD118 | MGIgesPD118 is the class for Iges parameter data type 118(Ruled Surface) |
CMGIgesPD120 | MGIgesPD120 is the class for Iges parameter data type 120(Surface of Revolution) |
CMGIgesPD122 | MGIgesPD122 is the class for Iges parameter data type 122(Tabulated Cylinder) |
CMGIgesPD123 | MGIgesPD123 is the class for Iges parameter data type 123(DIRECTION) |
CMGIgesPD124 | MGIgesPD124 is the class for Iges parameter data type 124(Transformation matrix) |
CMGIgesPD126 | MGIgesPD126 is the class for Iges parameter data type 126(NURBS) |
CMGIgesPD128 | MGIgesPD128 is the class for Iges parameter data type 128(NURBS Surface) |
CMGIgesPD141 | MGIgesPD141 is the class for Iges parameter data type 141(BOUNDARY entity) |
CMGIgesPD142 | MGIgesPD142 is the class for Iges parameter data type 142(Curve on parameteric space) |
CMGIgesPD143 | MGIgesPD143 is the class for Iges parameter data type 143(Bounded Surface) |
CMGIgesPD144 | MGIgesPD144 is the class for Iges parameter data type 144(Trimmed Surface) |
CMGIgesPD158 | MGIgesPD158 is the class for Iges parameter data type 158(unparameterised sphere) |
CMGIgesPD186 | MGIgesPD186 is the class for Iges parameter data type 186 |
CMGIgesPD190 | MGIgesPD190 is the class for Iges parameter data type 190(plane surface) |
CMGIgesPD192 | MGIgesPD192 is the class for Iges parameter data type 192 |
CMGIgesPD196 | MGIgesPD196 is the class for Iges parameter data type 196(sphere surface) |
CMGIgesPD314 | MGIgesPD314 is the class for Iges parameter data type 314(Color definition entity) |
CMGIgesPD402 | MGIgesPD402 is the class for Iges parameter data type 402(Group associativity) |
CMGIgesPD502 | MGIgesPD502 is the class for the Iges parameter data type 502(VERTEX List Entity) form 1 |
CMGIgesPD504 | MGIgesPD504 is the class for the Iges parameter data type 504(EDGE list) form 1 |
CMGIgesPD508 | MGIgesPD508 is the class for Iges parameter data type 508(LOOP) |
CMGIgesPD510 | MGIgesPD510 is the class for Iges parameter data type 510(FACE) |
CMGIgesPD514 | MGIgesPD514 is the class for Iges parameter data type 514(Shell) |
CMGIgesVertexListMap | Is the class to store MGBVertex*(newed objects) generated for MGIges502 Vertices list |
CMGImage | MGImage defines bit map image data |
CMGInterval | Interval of 1 dimension, i.e. MGInterval is a real line |
►CMGisect | Is an abstract class to provide unified interfaces to handle an intersection of two objects |
CMGCCisect | Is a container of one intersection of two curves |
CMGCFisect | MGCFisect is to represent an intersection of a face and a curve |
CMGCSisect | One Intersection of curve and surface |
CMGFFisect | MGFFisect represents one intersection line of a MGFace and MGFace or MGSurface |
CMGSSisect | MGSSisect represents one intersection line of two surfaces |
CMGisects | MGisects defines a vector of MGisect |
CMGKnot | Defines knot value and its multiplicity |
CMGKnotArray | Defines Array of Knots |
CMGLBRepEndC | Defines End Condition of Line B-Representation |
CMGLCisect | MGLCisect is to represent Loop and curve intersection point of a parent face parameter space |
CMGLCisect_vector | MGLCisect_vector defines linked list of MGLCisect |
CMGLEPoint | Is to represent a Loop's point |
CmgLightModeSwitcher | Utility class to invoke mgVBO::setLightMode() |
CMGLLisect | To represent two loops intersection point |
CMGLLisect_vector | MGLLisect_vector defines a vector of MGLLisect |
CMGLPoint | MGLPoint is to represent Loop's point |
CMGLSPoint | MGLSPoint is to express a loop and a surface intersection point |
CMGLSPoint_vector | MGLSPoint_vector defines a vector of MGLSPoint |
CMGMaterial | MGMaterial defines OpenGL's Material attributes |
CMGMatrix | MGMatrix is a matix of m by m, where m is the space dimension |
►CMGNDDArray | Defines non-decreasing double data array |
CMGKnotVector | Defines Knot vector of B-Representation |
CMGOfstream | MGOfstream is a class to serialize all of the subclasses of MGGel |
CMGOpenGLView | Defines OpenGL display class for MGCL objects |
CMGOscuCircle | Defines Array of OscuCircle data |
CMGOscuCircleData | The class for MGLBRep constructor of osculating circles |
CMGPickObjects | Container class for MGPickObject |
CMGPixel | Define MGPixel Class of (R,G,B,A) pixel data |
CMGPlist< T > | Defines List of newed object pointers |
CMGPlist< MGGel > | |
CMGPosition | Represent a positional data |
CMGPosition_list | MGPosition_list provides a list of Positions |
CMGPPRep | Defines PP-Represetation of a spline |
CMGPvector< T > | Defines Vector of newed object pointers |
CMGPvector< MGCurve > | |
CMGPvector< MGIges508Edge > | |
CMGPvector< MGIgesDirectoryEntry > | |
CMGPvector< MGIgesParamLine > | |
CMGPvector< MGisect > | |
CMGPvector< MGLBRep > | |
CMGPvector< MGLight > | |
CMGPvector< MGPickObject > | |
CMGPvector< mgTL2Fan > | |
CMGPvector< mgTL2Triangle > | |
CMGPvector< mgVBOElement > | |
CMGSBRepEndC | Defines End Condition of Surface B-Representation |
CMGSBRepTP | Defines Tangent Plane Line B-Representation Class |
CMGSBRepVecTP | Defines Tangent Plane Line B-Representation Class |
CMGSnapAttrib | Defines Snap attributes |
CMGSPointSeq | Defines Spoint seq of a space dimension and of a size |
CMGSSisect_list | MGSSisect_list defines linked list of MGSSisect |
CmgStaticGLAttrib | MgStaticGLAttrib defines MGColor and line width data of OpenGL |
CMGStringWriter | Defines String writer class using mgVBO(OpenGL infrastructure) |
CmgSysGLList | Defines a list of mgSysGL |
CmgTexture | Texture definition class |
CmgTL2Face | MgTL2Face is a proprietry class for Face tessellation |
CmgTL2Fan | MgTL2Fan is a point list to constitue a fan |
CmgTL2Fans | Defines a vector mgTL2Fan |
CmgTL2LPline | MgTL2LPline is limitted subinterval of mgTL2Polyline |
CmgTL2parameter | Holds necessary parameter data for face tessellation |
CmgTL2PlBridge | Express a splitting line for a face for tessellation |
CmgTL2Triangle | MgTL2Triangle holds (multiple) triangles data, which are a fan or a strip |
CmgTL2Triangles | A vector of mgTL2Triangle's |
CmgTLInputParam | A class that contains all the necessary input parameters to make tessellation |
CMGTolerance | MGTolerance is a class to hold various tolerance data used in MGCL |
CMGTransf | MGTransf represents a transformation of a space dimension |
CMGTrimLoop | MGTrimLoop is a private and utility class to implement trimming of MGFSurface |
►CmgVBOElement | Interface class to include an element in mgVBO class's |
►CmgVBO | OpenGL 4 用描画のためのクラス, in other words, display list |
CMGConstructionPlane | MGConstructionPlane defines a construction plane ton input 3D data |
CMGSnapPositions | MGSnapPositions is a class to store array(vector) of MGPosition's |
►CmgSysGL | MgSysGL is a class to provide a facility to draw temporal pictures |
CmgSys2GL | Defines two mgSysGL objects |
CmgVBOByScreen | MgVBOByScreen is a VBO to draw pictures in screen coordinates of a constant z value |
CVBObyAnchorPt | 文字列描画のためのVBOクラス |
CmgVBOLeaf | MgVBOに対して描画データ作成後の情報を保持するためのクラス |
CmgVBOLeafPointer | すでに作成済みのmgVBOLeafをVBOのメンバー(element)として保持するためのクラス |
CmgVBOPointer | MGGroupなどでmemberのMGGelの描画をmgVBOのelementとするためのクラス |
►CMGVector | Vector of a general n space dimension |
CMGUnit_vector | Define a unit vector, is a MGVector |