MGCL V10  V10
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mgTL2Polyline クラス

mgTL2Polyline holds a parameter line(polyline) of a surface. [詳解]

mgTL2Polyline の継承関係図
MGLBRep MGCurve MGGeometry MGObject MGAttribedGel MGGel


enum  polyline_type {


 mgTL2Polyline (const mgTL2parameter &para)
 mgTL2Polyline (const mgTL2Polyline &pline2)
 mgTL2Polyline (const mgTL2parameter &para, const MGCurve &uvline)
 mgTL2Polyline (const MGLEPoint &pvE, const MGLEPoint &pvS)
polyline_type boundaryType () const
double angle2Uline (double t) const
double angle2Uline_at_i (int i) const
mgTL2Polylineclone () const
MGVector direWorld (double t) const
const MGVectordireWorld_start () const
const MGVectordireWorld_end () const
MGVector direWorld_with_non_normalized (double t) const
bool get_id_from_VertexID (int idVertex, short id[3]) const
bool get_id (double t, short id[3]) const
mgTL2Polylinelimit (const MGInterval &i1)
 Limitting is done at the knot parameter for both start and end. [詳解]
void negate ()
 Change direction of the line. [詳解]
int number_of_points () const
std::ostream & out (std::ostream &ostrm) const
 Debug Function. [詳解]
const mgTL2parameterTL2param () const
MGPosition uv (int i) const
const MGPositionuv_start () const
MGPosition xyz (int i, bool need_normal) const
void set_type (polyline_type type)
void set_startID (const short start[3])
void set_endID (const short end[3])
void get_startID (short start[3])
void get_endID (short end[3])
- 基底クラス MGLBRep に属する継承公開メンバ関数
 MGLBRep ()
 Default(dummy) constructor. [詳解]
 MGLBRep (int bdim, int order, int sdim)
 Dummy constructor that specifies area length. [詳解]
 MGLBRep (const MGKnotVector &t, const MGBPointSeq &bcoef)
 MGLBRep (const MGBPointSeq &points, int order=4, bool circular=false)
 MGLBRep (const MGNDDArray &tau, const MGBPointSeq &points, int order=4, double ratio=-1.)
 MGLBRep (const MGNDDArray &tau, const MGBPointSeq &points, const MGKnotVector &t)
 MGLBRep (const MGLBRepEndC &begin, const MGLBRepEndC &end, const MGNDDArray &tau, const MGBPointSeq &value)
 MGLBRep (int order, const MGLBRepEndC &begin, const MGLBRepEndC &end, const MGNDDArray &tau, const MGBPointSeq &value)
 MGLBRep (const MGLBRepEndC &begin, const MGLBRepEndC &end, const MGNDDArray &tau, const MGBPointSeq &value, const MGKnotVector &t)
 MGLBRep (const MGLBRepEndC &begin, const MGLBRepEndC &end, const MGBPointSeq &points, const int *point_kind, const MGOscuCircle &circle)
 MGLBRep (const MGCurve &crv, int order=0, int parameter_normalization=0, bool neglectMulti=false)
 MGLBRep (const MGLBRep &old_brep, const MGKnotVector &t)
 MGLBRep (const MGCurve &old_curve, const MGKnotVector &t)
 MGLBRep (int coordinate1, const MGLBRep &brep1, int coordinate2, const MGLBRep &brep2)
 MGLBRep (const MGNDDArray &tau, const MGBPointSeq &points, const double *weight, const MGKnotVector &t)
 MGLBRep (const MGPPRep &pprep)
 Convert PP-Rep to B-rep. [詳解]
 MGLBRep (const MGPPRep &pprep, const MGKnotVector t)
 MGLBRep (const MGLBRep &old_brep, const MGKnotArray &knots)
 Gets new B-Rep by adding knots to an original B-Rep. [詳解]
 MGLBRep (const MGLBRep &brep1, int continuity, int which, const MGLBRep &brep2)
 MGLBRep (double t1, double t2, const MGLBRep &old_brep, int multiple=0)
 MGLBRep (int id1, int id2, const MGLBRep &old_brep)
 MGLBRep (int dim, const MGLBRep &lbrep, int start1=0, int start2=0)
 ~MGLBRep ()
MGLBRepoperator= (const MGGel &gel2)
MGLBRepoperator= (const MGLBRep &el2)
 Assignment. [詳解]
MGLBRep operator+ (const MGVector &) const
 Transformation object construction. [詳解]
MGLBRep operator- (const MGVector &) const
MGLBRep operator* (double) const
MGLBRep operator* (const MGMatrix &) const
MGLBRep operator* (const MGTransf &) const
MGLBRepoperator+= (const MGVector &v)
 Object transformation. [詳解]
MGLBRepoperator-= (const MGVector &v)
MGLBRepoperator*= (double scale)
MGLBRepoperator*= (const MGMatrix &mat)
MGLBRepoperator*= (const MGTransf &tr)
bool operator== (const MGLBRep &gel2) const
 comparison [詳解]
bool operator== (const MGGel &gel2) const
 Comparison. [詳解]
bool operator< (const MGLBRep &gel2) const
bool operator< (const MGGel &gel2) const
bool operator== (const MGRLBRep &gel2) const
void approximate_as_LBRep (MGLBRep &lb, int ordr=0, int parameter_normalization=0, bool neglectMulti=false) const
int bdim () const
 Returns B-Rep Dimension. [詳解]
MGBox box_limitted (const MGInterval &l) const
const MGBoxbox_unlimit () const
 Return minimum box that includes the whole line. [詳解]
void buildSRSmoothedLB_of_FreeEnd (const MGNDDArray &tau, const MGBPointSeq &y, const double *dy, double deviation, bool dev_is_sum=false)
void buildSRSmoothedLB_of_1stDeriv (const MGLBRepEndC &begin, const MGLBRepEndC &end, const MGNDDArray &tau, const MGBPointSeq &y, const double *dy, double deviation, bool dev_is_sum=false)
MGLBRepchange_dimension (int sdim, int start1=0, int start2=0)
 Changing this object's space dimension. [詳解]
void change_range (double t1, double t2)
MGLBRepchange_order (int order)
MGLBRepchange_order_by_approximation (int ordr)
 Change order of the B-Rep by approximation. [詳解]
double & coef (int i, int j)
double coef (int i, int j) const
MGVector coef (int i) const
 Extract (i,j)element for 0<=j<sdim(). [詳解]
const double * coef_data (int i=0, int j=0) const
 Returns a pointer to the line b-coef data. [詳解]
double * coef_data (int i=0, int j=0)
void connect (int continuity, int which, const MGLBRep &brep2)
int continuity (const MGLBRep &brep2, int &which, double &ratio) const
MGLBRepcoordinate_exchange (int j1, int j2)
void convert_to_Bezier (MGLBRep &bezier) const
MGCurvecopy_as_nurbs () const
MGLBRepcopy_as_LBRep () const
MGLBRepcopy_change_dimension (int sdim, int start1=0, int start2=0) const
MGCurvecopy_limitted (const MGInterval &prange) const
double curvilinear_integral (double t1, double t2) const
int divide_multi (MGPvector< MGCurve > &crv_list, int multiplicity=-1) const
void display_control_polygon (mgSysGL &sgl) const
 Display control polygons using mgVBO::MGDrawPointSeq() [詳解]
virtual void drawSE (mgVBO &vbo, double span_length, double t0, double t1) const
 Draw this curve into vbo, approximating with polyline. [詳解]
MGVector eval (double, int nderiv=0, int leftcon=0) const
void eval_all (double, MGPosition &, MGVector &, MGVector &) const
void eval_all (double tau, int nderiv, double *deriv, int leftcon=0) const
void eval_line (MGENDCOND begin, MGENDCOND end, const MGNDDArray &tau, MGBPointSeq &value) const
 Evaluate line data at data point seq.(BLELIN) [詳解]
void eval_line (const MGNDDArray &tau, MGBPointSeq &value) const
 Evaluate line data at data point seq.(BLELIN) [詳解]
MGLBRepextend (int start, double length, double dk)
void extend (double length, bool start=false)
MGLBRepextend_with_parameter (double tau, double dk)
 Extrapolate the curve by the parameter value. [詳解]
bool get_control_points (MGBPointSeq &cpoints) const
long identify_type () const
 Return This object's typeID. [詳解]
const MGLBRepis_Bezier (int ordr=0) const
bool is_coplanar (const MGCurve &curve2, MGPlane &plane) const
bool is_planar (MGPlane &plane) const
MGCCisect_list isect (const MGCurve &curve2) const
MGCCisect_list isect (const MGStraight &curve2) const
MGCCisect_list isect (const MGRLBRep &curve2) const
MGCCisect_list isect (const MGEllipse &curve2) const
MGCCisect_list isect (const MGLBRep &curve2) const
MGCCisect_list isect (const MGSurfCurve &curve2) const
MGCCisect_list isect (const MGBSumCurve &curve2) const
MGCSisect_list isect (const MGSurface &surf) const
 Intersection of MGLBRep and Surface. [詳解]
MGCSisect_list isect (const MGPlane &surf) const
MGCSisect_list isect (const MGSphere &surf) const
MGCSisect_list isect (const MGCylinder &surf) const
MGCSisect_list isect (const MGSBRep &surf) const
MGCSisect_list isect (const MGRSBRep &surf) const
MGCSisect_list isect (const MGBSumSurf &surf) const
double & knot (int i)
double knot (int i) const
const double * knot_data () const
double * knot_data ()
const MGKnotVectorknot_vector () const
MGKnotVectorknot_vector ()
const MGBPointSeqline_bcoef () const
 Returns the B-coef's(RHS version). [詳解]
MGBPointSeqline_bcoef ()
 Returns the B-coef's(LHS version). [詳解]
MGLBRepmove (int move_kind, double move_point_param, const MGPosition &to_point, const double fix_point[2])
double negate_param (double t) const
 Obtain parameter value if this curve is negated by "negate()". [詳解]
int order () const
 Returns the order. [詳解]
double param_e () const
 Return ending parameter value. [詳解]
double param_s () const
 Return starting parameter value. [詳解]
double param_normalize (double t) const
MGCurvepart (double t1, double t2, int multiple=0) const
MGCParam_list perps (const MGPosition &point) const
MGPosition_list perps (const MGCurve &crv2) const
MGPosition_list perps (const MGStraight &crv2) const
MGPosition_list perps (const MGRLBRep &crv2) const
MGPosition_list perps (const MGEllipse &crv2) const
MGPosition_list perps (const MGLBRep &crv2) const
MGPosition_list perps (const MGSurfCurve &crv2) const
MGPosition_list perps (const MGBSumCurve &crv2) const
int planar (MGPlane &plane, MGStraight &line, MGPosition &point) const
int project (const MGFSurface &surf, MGPvector< MGCurve > &vec_crv_uv, MGPvector< MGCurve > &vec_crv, const MGVector &vec) const
int project (const MGPlane &plane, MGPvector< MGCurve > &vec_crv_uv, MGPvector< MGCurve > &vec_crv, const MGVector &vec) const
int reduce (int ndec)
MGLBReprefine (const MGKnotVector &t)
void remove_knot ()
void remove_knot (int j, int snum)
int remove_knot_one (double line0, int nKnot, double &totalTol, int &num_knot, int sid=0, int snum=0)
int sdim () const
 Returns the space dimension. [詳解]
MGSurfacesweep (const MGUnit_vector &uvec, double start_dist, double end_dist) const
MGCURVE_TYPE type () const
void updatePolarCoordinates2Ordinary ()
MGCurveunlimit ()
 limitをはずす。 [詳解]
MGCurveunlimit_end ()
MGCurveunlimit_start ()
int out_to_IGES (MGIgesOfstream &igesfile, int SubordinateEntitySwitch=0) const
 IGES output function. PD126. [詳解]
std::string whoami () const
- 基底クラス MGCurve に属する継承公開メンバ関数
 MGCurve ()
 Void constructor(初期化なしでオブジェクトを作成する。). [詳解]
 MGCurve (const MGCurve &curve)
 Copy constructor. [詳解]
virtual ~MGCurve ()
 Virtual Destructor. [詳解]
virtual MGCurveoperator= (const MGCurve &gel2)
 Assignment. [詳解]
virtual bool operator== (const MGCompositeCurve &crv) const
 Comparison. [詳解]
virtual bool operator== (const MGTrimmedCurve &crv) const
void arrow (double t, MGPosition data[4]) const
 Generate arrow data of the tangent at the parameter value t of the curve. [詳解]
virtual MGPosition center () const
 Obtain ceter coordinate of the geometry. [詳解]
virtual MGPosition center_param () const
 Obtain ceter parameter value of the geometry. [詳解]
virtual double closest (const MGPosition &point) const
 Compute the closest point parameter value of this curve from a point. [詳解]
virtual double closest2D (const MGPosition &point) const
 Compute the nearest point from input point on this curve's (x,y) 2D part. [詳解]
virtual MGPosition closest (const MGCurve &curve2) const
 Compute the closest point parameter value pair of this curve and curve2. [詳解]
bool cn_continuity (int n) const
 Test if this curve is cn continuous. [詳解]
virtual int common (const MGCurve &curve2, std::vector< double > &vecComSpan, MGCCisect_list &isect) const
 Test if this has a common line part with the 2nd curve. [詳解]
virtual int common (const MGCurve &curve2, std::vector< double > &vecComSpan) const
 Test if this has a common line part with the 2nd curve. [詳解]
virtual double curvature (double) const
 Return curvature at the given point. [詳解]
MGCurvecurve ()
 Return curve pointer if this MGGel is an MGCurve, else return null. [詳解]
const MGCurvecurve () const
virtual double curvilinear_integral () const
virtual double deriv_length () const
 Compute mean length of 1st derivative vector. [詳解]
MGUnit_vector direction (const MGPosition &param) const
 Compute direction unit vector of the geometry. [詳解]
virtual MGUnit_vector direction (double) const
 Return tangent vector at the given point. [詳解]
virtual void display_arrows (mgSysGL &sgl) const
virtual void display_break_points (mgSysGL &sgl) const
virtual void display_curvatures (mgSysGL &sgl, double scale, int density, bool use_radius) const
int divide_number () const
 get the a divide number for offset, intersection, or others. [詳解]
virtual void drawWire (mgVBO &vbo, double span_length, int line_density=1) const
 Draw this curve into vbo, approximating with polyline. [詳解]
virtual MGPosition end_point () const
 Return end point(終点を返却する) [詳解]
virtual MGVector eval_deriv (double) const
 Compute 1st derivative. [詳解]
void eval_discrete_deviation (const MGCurve &curve2, std::vector< MGPosition > &sts, int npoint=20, double tolerance=0.1) const
 Evaluate deviations of two curves(this and curve2) at npoint discrete points. [詳解]
virtual MGPosition eval_position (double) const
 Compute positional data. [詳解]
MGVector evaluate (const MGPosition &t, const int *nderiv=0) const
 Evaluate n'th derivative data. n=0 means positional data evaluation. [詳解]
virtual void Frenet_frame2 (double t, MGVector &V2, MGVector &T, MGVector &N, MGVector &B) const
 Compute Frenet_frame, curvature and torsion in 3D space. [詳解]
virtual void Frenet_frame (double t, MGUnit_vector &T, MGUnit_vector &N, MGUnit_vector &B, double &curvature, double &torsion) const
 Compute Frenet_frame, curvature and torsion in 3D space. [詳解]
double get_average_tangent_length () const
 Get average tangent length. [詳解]
void getParamsC0Continuity (std::vector< double > &param) const
bool has_same_direction_at (double s, const MGCurve &curve2, double t) const
 Test if this curve has the same direction with curve2. [詳解]
virtual bool in_range (double t) const
 Test if input parameter value is inside parameter range of the line. [詳解]
bool in_range (const MGPosition &t) const
 Test if input parameter value is inside parameter range of the line. [詳解]
MGCCisect_list intersect_brute_force (const MGCurve &) const
 Curve to curve intersection. [詳解]
virtual MGCCisect_list intersect (const MGCurve &) const
 Curve to curve intersection. [詳解]
MGisects intersection (const MGObject &obj2) const
 Compute the intersections of two objects. [詳解]
MGisects intersection (const MGCurve &obj2) const
MGisects intersection (const MGFSurface &obj2) const
MGisects intersection (const MGSurface &obj2) const
MGisects intersection (const MGFace &obj2) const
MGisects intersection (const MGShell &obj2) const
MGCSisect_list intersect_with_plane (const MGPlane &surf) const
 intersections with a plane. [詳解]
MGCCisect_list isect (const MGTrimmedCurve &curve2) const
MGCCisect_list isect (const MGCompositeCurve &curve2) const
MGCSisect_list isect (const MGFSurface &fs) const
virtual MGCSisect_list isect (const MGFace &) const
MGCFisect_vector isect (const MGShell &shl) const
 Intersection of a shell and a curve. [詳解]
MGCParam_list isect_1D (double f, int coordinate=0) const
 Compute intersection point of 1D sub curve of original curve. [詳解]
bool is_closed () const
 Test if this is a closed curve. [詳解]
bool is_closedWithError (double err) const
 Terst if this is a closed curve, given the tolerance. [詳解]
virtual bool is_startpoint_parameter (double t) const
 Test if the input parameter t is the start point parameter or not. [詳解]
virtual bool is_endpoint_parameter (double t) const
 Test if the input parameter t is the start point parameter or not. [詳解]
bool is_perpendicular (const MGPosition &P, double t) const
 Test if the vector from P to this->eval(t) is perpendicular. [詳解]
virtual bool is_linear (MGStraight &straight) const
 Test if this cure is linear or not, that is, is straight or not. [詳解]
MGKnotVectorknot_vector ()
 Returns the knot vector of the curve. [詳解]
virtual double length (double t1, double t2) const
 Cmpute curve length of the interval. [詳解]
virtual double length () const
 Compute whole curve length. [詳解]
virtual double length_param (double t, double len) const
 Inverse function of length. [詳解]
MGCurvelimit (double t0, double t1)
int manifold_dimension () const
 Return manifold dimension, 0:point, 1:curve, 2:surface. [詳解]
void negate_transform (MGGeometry &boundary) const
virtual MGPvector< MGCurveoffset (double ofs_value, const MGVector &norm_vector=mgNULL_VEC) const
 Offset of costant deviation from this curve. [詳解]
virtual MGPvector< MGCurveoffset (const MGLBRep &ofs_value_lb, const MGVector &norm_vector=mgNULL_VEC) const
 Offset of variable deviation from this curve. [詳解]
virtual MGLBRep offset_c2 (double ofs_value, const MGVector &norm_vector=mgNULL_VEC) const
 Costant offset curve of C2 continuous curve. [詳解]
virtual MGLBRep offset_c2 (const MGLBRep &ofs_value_lb, const MGVector &norm_vector=mgNULL_VEC) const
 Valuable offset curve of C2 continuous curve. [詳解]
virtual bool on (const MGPosition &point, double &t) const
 Test if given point is on the curve or not. [詳解]
bool on (const MGPosition &P, MGPosition &t) const
 Test if given point is on this geometry or not. [詳解]
virtual double param (const MGPosition &) const
 Compute parameter value of given point. [詳解]
virtual double param_error () const
 Obtain parameter space error. [詳解]
virtual MGInterval param_range () const
 Return parameter range of the curve(パラメータ範囲を返す). [詳解]
double param_round_into_range (double t) const
 Round the parameter t into this parameter range. [詳解]
MGBox parameter_range () const
 Return parameter range of the geometry(パラメータ範囲を返す). [詳解]
double param_se (double t) const
 Return starting or ending parameter value that is nearer to the param t. [詳解]
virtual double param_span () const
 Compute parameter span length. [詳解]
virtual int perp_guess (double t0, double t1, const MGPosition &P, double tg, double &t) const
 Return perpendicular point from a point P. [詳解]
virtual int perp_guess (double s0, double s1, const MGCurve &curve2, double t0, double t1, double sg, double tg, MGPosition &st) const
 Return perpendicular points of two curves. [詳解]
virtual int perp_point (const MGPosition &p, double &t, const double *g=0) const
 Compute a foot point of the perpendicular line from point p to the curve. [詳解]
MGPosition_list perpendiculars (const MGCurve &crv) const
 Compute all the perpendicular points of this curve and the second one. [詳解]
MGPosition_list perps (const MGCompositeCurve &crv2) const
MGPosition_list perps (const MGTrimmedCurve &crv2) const
virtual MGPosition pick_closest (const MGStraight &sl) const
 Compute the parameter value of the closest point from the straight to this object. [詳解]
virtual void polygonize (double error, MGLBRep &lb2) const
 Approximate this curve by a polyline and output to lb2. [詳解]
virtual double range (double t) const
 Round t into curve's parameter range. [詳解]
MGPosition range (const MGPosition &t) const
 Round t into geometry's parameter range. [詳解]
std::auto_ptr< MGCurverebuild (int how_rebuild=1, int parameter_normalization=2, double tol=-1., int ordr=0, const double *param_range=0) const
 Rebuild this curve. [詳解]
virtual MGCurverotate_self (const MGVector &v, double, const MGPosition &=mgORIGIN)
 Update curve by rotating around straight line. [詳解]
std::auto_ptr< MGLBRepscalePolar (double angleBase, double angle1, double angle2) const
 Obtain polar-rotated curve of this. [詳解]
virtual MGPosition start_point () const
 Return start point(始点を返却する). [詳解]
virtual int tangent_guess (double t0, double t1, const MGPosition &P, double tg, double &t) const
 Return tangent point from a point P, given guess starting paramter tg. [詳解]
void trim_end (double t)
 Trim the end part of this curve at the parameter t. [詳解]
void trim_start (double t)
 Trim the start part of this curve at the parameter t. [詳解]
void trim_start_and_end (double ts, double te)
 Trim the start part and end part of this curve at the parameter ts and te. [詳解]
virtual std::auto_ptr< MGLBRepPolarCoordinatesLBRep () const
 Obtain polar coordinates system MGLBRep of this curve. [詳解]
- 基底クラス MGGeometry に属する継承公開メンバ関数
 MGGeometry ()
 Void constructor(初期化なしでオブジェクトを作成する。) [詳解]
 MGGeometry (const MGGeometry &geo2)
 Copy constructor. [詳解]
virtual ~MGGeometry ()
 Virtual Destructor. [詳解]
virtual MGGeometryoperator= (const MGGeometry &gel2)
virtual MGGeometrygeometry ()
 Return MGGeometry pointer if this MGGel is an MGGeometry, else return null. [詳解]
virtual const MGGeometrygeometry () const
const MGBoxbox () const
 Return minimum box that includes whole of the geometry. [詳解]
virtual void draw3DVertex (mgVBO &vbo) const
bool is_null () const
 Test if this is null. [詳解]
double parameter_error () const
 Error allowed in the parameter space of the geometry. [詳解]
- 基底クラス MGObject に属する継承公開メンバ関数
 MGObject ()
 Void constructor(初期化なしでオブジェクトを作成する。) [詳解]
 MGObject (const MGObject &obj2)
 Copy constructor. [詳解]
virtual ~MGObject ()
 Virtual Destructor. [詳解]
virtual MGObjectoperator= (const MGObject &obj2)
MGAppearanceappearance ()
const MGAppearanceappearance () const
virtual void shade (mgVBO &vbo, const MGDrawParam &para, mgVBO::ELEMENT_TARGET target=mgVBO::SHADING) const
 Shade the object in world coordinates. [詳解]
MGAppearanceensure_appearance ()
virtual void make_display_list (MGCL::VIEWMODE vmode=MGCL::DONTCARE) const
 Make a display list of this gel. [詳解]
bool has_common (const MGObject &obj2) const
const MGObjectincludes_object () const
 Test if this gel includes an object. [詳解]
MGObjectincludes_object ()
 Test if this gel includes an object. [詳解]
virtual MGisects intersection (const MGPoint &obj2) const
void remove_appearance ()
 Remove the MGAppearance of this MGAttribedGel. [詳解]
virtual MGObjectobject ()
 Return MGObject pointer if this MGGel is an MGObject, else return null. [詳解]
virtual const MGObjectobject () const
virtual const MGFSurfacefsurface () const
 Get the MGFSurface pointer if this is MGSurface or MGFace. [詳解]
virtual MGFSurfacefsurface ()
void set_appearance (const MGAppearance &appr2)
virtual void transform (const MGVector &v)
 Transform the gel by the argument. [詳解]
virtual void transform (double scale)
 translation [詳解]
virtual void transform (const MGMatrix &mat)
 scaling. [詳解]
virtual void transform (const MGTransf &tr)
 matrix transformation. [詳解]
- 基底クラス MGAttribedGel に属する継承公開メンバ関数
 MGAttribedGel ()
 void constructor. [詳解]
 MGAttribedGel (const MGAttribedGel &gel2)
 copy constructor. [詳解]
virtual MGAttribedGeloperator= (const MGAttribedGel &gel2)
virtual ~MGAttribedGel ()
void copy_appearance (const MGAttribedGel &gel2)
mgVBOdlist_name () const
virtual bool displayList_is_made (MGCL::VIEWMODE vmode) const
 Judge if the display list for vmode is made or not. [詳解]
void deleteDlistName () const
virtual void drawAttrib (mgVBO &vbo, bool no_color=false) const
 Process of draw or render attributes. [詳解]
virtual void render_attribute () const
virtual int get_draw_attrib_mask () const
 Obtain attribute mask for glPushAttrib(). [詳解]
virtual int get_render_attrib_mask () const
int getVBOElementsNumber () const
 Get the number of elements of m_dlistName. [詳解]
int getVBOShaderElementsNumber () const
 Get the number of shading elements of m_dlistName. [詳解]
virtual bool no_display () const
void remove_GLattrib (long tid)
 Removed the attribute of specified type. [詳解]
virtual void set_GLattrib (MGGLAttrib *attr)
virtual void set_display ()
 Set this group as display or no display group. [詳解]
virtual void set_no_display ()
bool visible () const
void set_name (const MGName &newName)
const MGNameget_name () const
void set_color (const MGColor &newColor)
const MGColorget_color () const
void setDlistName (mgVBO *vbo=0) const
void setDirty (bool is_dirty) const
 Set dirty flag(s) of this VBO(m_dlistName). [詳解]
- 基底クラス MGGel に属する継承公開メンバ関数
virtual ~MGGel ()
 Virtual Destructor. [詳解]
virtual bool operator!= (const MGGel &gel2) const
virtual bool operator> (const MGGel &gel2) const
virtual MGAttribattrib ()
 Return MGAttrib pointer if this MGGel is an MGAttrib, else return null. [詳解]
virtual const MGAttribattrib () const
virtual MGGroupgroup ()
 Return MGGroup pointer if this MGGel is an MGGroup, else return null. [詳解]
virtual const MGGroupgroup () const
virtual MGPointpoint ()
 Return point pointer if this MGGel is an MGPoint, else return null. [詳解]
virtual const MGPointpoint () const
virtual MGSurfacesurf ()
 Return MGSurface pointer if this MGGel is an MGSurface, else return null. [詳解]
virtual const MGSurfacesurf () const
virtual MGTopologytopology ()
 Return MGTopology pointer if this MGGel is an MGTopology, else return null. [詳解]
virtual const MGTopologytopology () const
virtual MGFaceface ()
 Return MGFace pointer if this MGGel is an MGFace, else return null. [詳解]
virtual const MGFaceface () const
virtual MGShellshell ()
 Return MGShell pointer if this MGGel is an MGShell, else return null. [詳解]
virtual const MGShellshell () const
std::string string_content () const
bool type_is (const MGAbstractGels &types) const


- 基底クラス MGLBRep に属する継承限定公開メンバ関数
MGCParam_list intersect_1D (double f, int coordinate=0) const
std::auto_ptr< MGCurveoneD (const double g[4]) const
void ReadMembers (MGIfstream &buf)
void WriteMembers (MGOfstream &buf) const
- 基底クラス MGCurve に属する継承限定公開メンバ関数
void approximate_as_LBRep2 (MGLBRep &lb, int order, int is, int ie, bool neglectMulti=false) const
 Approximate this curve as a MGLBRep curve from knot_vector[is] to [ie]. [詳解]
virtual void data_points_for_approximate_as_LBRep2 (int is, int ie, MGKnotVector &t, MGNDDArray &tau, bool neglectMulti=false) const
 Get data points for approximate_as_LBRep2. [詳解]
void extrapolated_pp (double tau, double dk, MGPPRep &pp) const
 Obtain an extrapolated PP-Rep curve by the parameter value. [詳解]
MGPosition_list perpsSl (const MGStraight &sl) const
 Perpendicular points with straight. [詳解]
virtual void update_mark ()
 Mark this as updated. [詳解]
- 基底クラス MGGeometry に属する継承限定公開メンバ関数
MGGeometryset_geometry (const MGGeometry &geo2)
 Assignment. [詳解]
- 基底クラス MGObject に属する継承限定公開メンバ関数
MGObjectset_object (const MGObject &gel2)
- 基底クラス MGGeometry に属する継承限定公開変数類
- 基底クラス MGAttribedGel に属する継承限定公開変数類
std::auto_ptr< mgVBOm_dlistName
 display name if m_dlistName!=0; [詳解]


mgTL2Polyline holds a parameter line(polyline) of a surface.

mgTL2Polyline is a proprietry class for Face tessellation. mgTL2Polyline holds (u,v) MGLBRep of order 2(polyline).


mgTL2Polyline::mgTL2Polyline ( const mgTL2parameter para)
mgTL2Polyline::mgTL2Polyline ( const mgTL2Polyline pline2)
mgTL2Polyline::mgTL2Polyline ( const mgTL2parameter para,
const MGCurve uvline 
mgTL2Polyline::mgTL2Polyline ( const MGLEPoint pvE,
const MGLEPoint pvS 


double mgTL2Polyline::angle2Uline ( double  t) const
double mgTL2Polyline::angle2Uline_at_i ( int  i) const
polyline_type mgTL2Polyline::boundaryType ( ) const
mgTL2Polyline* mgTL2Polyline::clone ( ) const

Construct new curve object by copying to newed area. User must delete this copied object by "delete".


MGVector mgTL2Polyline::direWorld ( double  t) const
const MGVector& mgTL2Polyline::direWorld_end ( ) const
const MGVector& mgTL2Polyline::direWorld_start ( ) const
MGVector mgTL2Polyline::direWorld_with_non_normalized ( double  t) const
void mgTL2Polyline::get_endID ( short  end[3])
bool mgTL2Polyline::get_id ( double  t,
short  id[3] 
) const
bool mgTL2Polyline::get_id_from_VertexID ( int  idVertex,
short  id[3] 
) const
void mgTL2Polyline::get_startID ( short  start[3])
mgTL2Polyline& mgTL2Polyline::limit ( const MGInterval i1)

Limitting is done at the knot parameter for both start and end.


void mgTL2Polyline::negate ( )

Change direction of the line.


int mgTL2Polyline::number_of_points ( ) const
std::ostream& mgTL2Polyline::out ( std::ostream &  ostrm) const

Debug Function.


void mgTL2Polyline::set_endID ( const short  end[3])
void mgTL2Polyline::set_startID ( const short  start[3])
void mgTL2Polyline::set_type ( polyline_type  type)
const mgTL2parameter& mgTL2Polyline::TL2param ( ) const
MGPosition mgTL2Polyline::uv ( int  i) const
const MGPosition& mgTL2Polyline::uv_start ( ) const
MGPosition mgTL2Polyline::xyz ( int  i,
bool  need_normal 
) const
