MGCL V10  V10
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MGTrimmedCurve クラス

MGTrimmedCurve is a part of an original curve of a limitted parameter range. [詳解]

MGTrimmedCurve の継承関係図
MGCurve MGGeometry MGObject MGAttribedGel MGGel


 MGTrimmedCurve ()
 MGTrimmedCurve (const MGTrimmedCurve &tc)
 MGTrimmedCurve (const MGCurve &crv, const MGInterval range)
 copy constructor. [詳解]
 MGTrimmedCurve (const MGCurve &crv, double t1, double t2)
 ~MGTrimmedCurve ()
MGTrimmedCurveoperator= (const MGGel &gel2)
MGTrimmedCurveoperator= (const MGTrimmedCurve &el2)
bool is_same_curve (const MGCurve &curve2) const
bool operator== (const MGTrimmedCurve &gel2) const
bool operator== (const MGCompositeCurve &gel2) const
 Comparison. [詳解]
bool operator== (const MGGel &gel2) const
 Comparison. [詳解]
bool operator< (const MGTrimmedCurve &gel2) const
bool operator< (const MGGel &gel2) const
void approximate_as_LBRep (MGLBRep &lb, int ordr=0, int parameter_normalization=0, bool neglectMulti=false) const
int bdim () const
 Returns B-Rep Dimension. [詳解]
MGBox box_limitted (const MGInterval &) const
MGTrimmedCurvechange_dimension (int dim, int start1, int start2)
 Changing this object's space dimension. [詳解]
void change_range (double t1, double t2)
MGCurveclone () const
int common (const MGCurve &curve2, std::vector< double > &vecComSpan, MGCCisect_list &isect) const
int common (const MGCurve &curve2, std::vector< double > &vecComSpan) const
MGCurvecopy_as_nurbs () const
MGCurvecopy_change_dimension (int sdim, int start1=0, int start2=0) const
MGCurvecopy_limitted (const MGInterval &prange) const
MGCurvecopy_limitted () const
const MGCurvebase_curve () const
 Return parameter curve's pointer. [詳解]
double curvilinear_integral (double t1, double t2) const
int divide_multi (MGPvector< MGCurve > &crv_list, int multiplicity=-1) const
void drawSE (mgVBO &vbo, double span_length, double t0, double t1) const
 Draw this curve into vbo, approximating with polyline. [詳解]
MGVector eval (double t, int nderiv=0, int left=0) const
 Evaluate n'th derivative data. n=0 means positional data evaluation. [詳解]
void extend (double length, bool start=false)
long identify_type () const
 Return This object's typeID. [詳解]
bool in_range (double t) const
 Test if input parameter value is inside parameter range of the line. [詳解]
int intersect_dnum () const
 Provide divide number of curve span for function intersect. [詳解]
bool is_planar (MGPlane &plane) const
 Test if this parameter range is the same as the original m_curve's. [詳解]
bool is_same_range () const
MGCCisect_list isect (const MGCurve &curve2) const
 Intersection of Curve and Surface. [詳解]
MGCCisect_list isect (const MGStraight &curve2) const
MGCCisect_list isect (const MGRLBRep &curve2) const
MGCCisect_list isect (const MGEllipse &curve2) const
MGCCisect_list isect (const MGLBRep &curve2) const
MGCCisect_list isect (const MGSurfCurve &curve2) const
MGCCisect_list isect (const MGBSumCurve &curve2) const
MGCCisect_list isect (const MGTrimmedCurve &curve2) const
MGCCisect_list isect (const MGCompositeCurve &curve2) const
MGCSisect_list isect (const MGSurface &surf) const
 Intersection with a Surface. [詳解]
MGCSisect_list isect (const MGPlane &surf) const
MGCSisect_list isect (const MGSphere &surf) const
MGCSisect_list isect (const MGCylinder &surf) const
MGCSisect_list isect (const MGSBRep &surf) const
MGCSisect_list isect (const MGRSBRep &surf) const
MGCSisect_list isect (const MGBSumSurf &surf) const
double knot (int i) const
 Access to i-th element of knot. [詳解]
const MGKnotVectorknot_vector () const
 Returns the knot vector. [詳解]
double length (double t1, double t2) const
double length_param (double t, double len) const
MGTrimmedCurvelimit (const MGInterval &)
double negate_param (double t) const
 Obtain parameter value if this curve is negated by "negate()". [詳解]
int order () const
 Returns the order. [詳解]
std::ostream & out (std::ostream &) const
 Output function. [詳解]
int out_to_IGES (MGIgesOfstream &igesfile, int SubordinateEntitySwitch=0) const
 IGES output function. [詳解]
double param_e () const
 Return ending parameter value. [詳解]
double param_normalize (double t) const
MGInterval param_range () const
 Return parameter range of the curve(パラメータ範囲を返す) [詳解]
double param_s () const
 Return starting parameter value. [詳解]
MGCurvepart (double t1, double t2, int multiple=0) const
MGCParam_list perps (const MGPosition &P) const
MGPosition_list perps (const MGCurve &crv2) const
MGPosition_list perps (const MGStraight &crv2) const
MGPosition_list perps (const MGRLBRep &crv2) const
MGPosition_list perps (const MGEllipse &crv2) const
MGPosition_list perps (const MGLBRep &crv2) const
MGPosition_list perps (const MGSurfCurve &crv2) const
MGPosition_list perps (const MGBSumCurve &crv2) const
int project (const MGFSurface &surf, MGPvector< MGCurve > &vec_crv_uv, MGPvector< MGCurve > &vec_crv, const MGVector &vec) const
double range (double t) const
int sdim () const
 Return space dimension. [詳解]
MGSurfacesweep (const MGUnit_vector &uvec, double start_dist, double end_dist) const
MGCURVE_TYPE type () const
 Return curve type(曲線のタイプを返す) [詳解]
MGCurveunlimit ()
 Unlimit parameter range of the curve(limitをはずす) [詳解]
MGCurveunlimit_end ()
MGCurveunlimit_start ()
std::string whoami () const
- 基底クラス MGCurve に属する継承公開メンバ関数
 MGCurve ()
 Void constructor(初期化なしでオブジェクトを作成する。). [詳解]
 MGCurve (const MGCurve &curve)
 Copy constructor. [詳解]
virtual ~MGCurve ()
 Virtual Destructor. [詳解]
virtual MGCurveoperator= (const MGCurve &gel2)
 Assignment. [詳解]
void arrow (double t, MGPosition data[4]) const
 Generate arrow data of the tangent at the parameter value t of the curve. [詳解]
virtual MGPosition center () const
 Obtain ceter coordinate of the geometry. [詳解]
virtual MGPosition center_param () const
 Obtain ceter parameter value of the geometry. [詳解]
virtual double closest (const MGPosition &point) const
 Compute the closest point parameter value of this curve from a point. [詳解]
virtual double closest2D (const MGPosition &point) const
 Compute the nearest point from input point on this curve's (x,y) 2D part. [詳解]
virtual MGPosition closest (const MGCurve &curve2) const
 Compute the closest point parameter value pair of this curve and curve2. [詳解]
bool cn_continuity (int n) const
 Test if this curve is cn continuous. [詳解]
virtual void convert_to_Bezier (MGLBRep &bezier) const
 Convert this curve to Bezier curve. [詳解]
virtual double curvature (double) const
 Return curvature at the given point. [詳解]
MGCurvecurve ()
 Return curve pointer if this MGGel is an MGCurve, else return null. [詳解]
const MGCurvecurve () const
virtual double curvilinear_integral () const
virtual double deriv_length () const
 Compute mean length of 1st derivative vector. [詳解]
MGUnit_vector direction (const MGPosition &param) const
 Compute direction unit vector of the geometry. [詳解]
virtual MGUnit_vector direction (double) const
 Return tangent vector at the given point. [詳解]
virtual void display_arrows (mgSysGL &sgl) const
virtual void display_break_points (mgSysGL &sgl) const
virtual void display_curvatures (mgSysGL &sgl, double scale, int density, bool use_radius) const
int divide_number () const
 get the a divide number for offset, intersection, or others. [詳解]
virtual void drawWire (mgVBO &vbo, double span_length, int line_density=1) const
 Draw this curve into vbo, approximating with polyline. [詳解]
virtual MGPosition end_point () const
 Return end point(終点を返却する) [詳解]
virtual void eval_all (double, MGPosition &, MGVector &, MGVector &) const
 Compute position, 1st and 2nd derivatives. [詳解]
virtual MGVector eval_deriv (double) const
 Compute 1st derivative. [詳解]
void eval_discrete_deviation (const MGCurve &curve2, std::vector< MGPosition > &sts, int npoint=20, double tolerance=0.1) const
 Evaluate deviations of two curves(this and curve2) at npoint discrete points. [詳解]
virtual void eval_line (const MGNDDArray &tau, MGBPointSeq &value) const
 Evaluate line data at data point tau. [詳解]
virtual MGPosition eval_position (double) const
 Compute positional data. [詳解]
MGVector evaluate (const MGPosition &t, const int *nderiv=0) const
 Evaluate n'th derivative data. n=0 means positional data evaluation. [詳解]
virtual void Frenet_frame2 (double t, MGVector &V2, MGVector &T, MGVector &N, MGVector &B) const
 Compute Frenet_frame, curvature and torsion in 3D space. [詳解]
virtual void Frenet_frame (double t, MGUnit_vector &T, MGUnit_vector &N, MGUnit_vector &B, double &curvature, double &torsion) const
 Compute Frenet_frame, curvature and torsion in 3D space. [詳解]
double get_average_tangent_length () const
 Get average tangent length. [詳解]
virtual bool get_control_points (MGBPointSeq &cpoints) const
 Extracts control points. [詳解]
void getParamsC0Continuity (std::vector< double > &param) const
bool has_same_direction_at (double s, const MGCurve &curve2, double t) const
 Test if this curve has the same direction with curve2. [詳解]
bool in_range (const MGPosition &t) const
 Test if input parameter value is inside parameter range of the line. [詳解]
MGCCisect_list intersect_brute_force (const MGCurve &) const
 Curve to curve intersection. [詳解]
virtual MGCCisect_list intersect (const MGCurve &) const
 Curve to curve intersection. [詳解]
MGisects intersection (const MGObject &obj2) const
 Compute the intersections of two objects. [詳解]
MGisects intersection (const MGCurve &obj2) const
MGisects intersection (const MGFSurface &obj2) const
MGisects intersection (const MGSurface &obj2) const
MGisects intersection (const MGFace &obj2) const
MGisects intersection (const MGShell &obj2) const
MGCSisect_list intersect_with_plane (const MGPlane &surf) const
 intersections with a plane. [詳解]
MGCCisect_list isect (const MGTrimmedCurve &curve2) const
MGCCisect_list isect (const MGCompositeCurve &curve2) const
MGCSisect_list isect (const MGFSurface &fs) const
virtual MGCSisect_list isect (const MGFace &) const
MGCFisect_vector isect (const MGShell &shl) const
 Intersection of a shell and a curve. [詳解]
MGCParam_list isect_1D (double f, int coordinate=0) const
 Compute intersection point of 1D sub curve of original curve. [詳解]
virtual const MGLBRepis_Bezier (int ordr=0) const
 Test if this is a Bezier Curve. [詳解]
bool is_closed () const
 Test if this is a closed curve. [詳解]
bool is_closedWithError (double err) const
 Terst if this is a closed curve, given the tolerance. [詳解]
virtual bool is_coplanar (const MGCurve &curve2, MGPlane &plane) const
 Test if this cure is co-planar with the 2nd curve curve2. [詳解]
virtual bool is_startpoint_parameter (double t) const
 Test if the input parameter t is the start point parameter or not. [詳解]
virtual bool is_endpoint_parameter (double t) const
 Test if the input parameter t is the start point parameter or not. [詳解]
bool is_perpendicular (const MGPosition &P, double t) const
 Test if the vector from P to this->eval(t) is perpendicular. [詳解]
virtual bool is_linear (MGStraight &straight) const
 Test if this cure is linear or not, that is, is straight or not. [詳解]
MGKnotVectorknot_vector ()
 Returns the knot vector of the curve. [詳解]
virtual double length () const
 Compute whole curve length. [詳解]
MGCurvelimit (double t0, double t1)
int manifold_dimension () const
 Return manifold dimension, 0:point, 1:curve, 2:surface. [詳解]
void negate_transform (MGGeometry &boundary) const
virtual MGPvector< MGCurveoffset (double ofs_value, const MGVector &norm_vector=mgNULL_VEC) const
 Offset of costant deviation from this curve. [詳解]
virtual MGPvector< MGCurveoffset (const MGLBRep &ofs_value_lb, const MGVector &norm_vector=mgNULL_VEC) const
 Offset of variable deviation from this curve. [詳解]
virtual MGLBRep offset_c2 (double ofs_value, const MGVector &norm_vector=mgNULL_VEC) const
 Costant offset curve of C2 continuous curve. [詳解]
virtual MGLBRep offset_c2 (const MGLBRep &ofs_value_lb, const MGVector &norm_vector=mgNULL_VEC) const
 Valuable offset curve of C2 continuous curve. [詳解]
virtual bool on (const MGPosition &point, double &t) const
 Test if given point is on the curve or not. [詳解]
bool on (const MGPosition &P, MGPosition &t) const
 Test if given point is on this geometry or not. [詳解]
virtual double param (const MGPosition &) const
 Compute parameter value of given point. [詳解]
virtual double param_error () const
 Obtain parameter space error. [詳解]
double param_round_into_range (double t) const
 Round the parameter t into this parameter range. [詳解]
MGBox parameter_range () const
 Return parameter range of the geometry(パラメータ範囲を返す). [詳解]
double param_se (double t) const
 Return starting or ending parameter value that is nearer to the param t. [詳解]
virtual double param_span () const
 Compute parameter span length. [詳解]
virtual int perp_guess (double t0, double t1, const MGPosition &P, double tg, double &t) const
 Return perpendicular point from a point P. [詳解]
virtual int perp_guess (double s0, double s1, const MGCurve &curve2, double t0, double t1, double sg, double tg, MGPosition &st) const
 Return perpendicular points of two curves. [詳解]
virtual int perp_point (const MGPosition &p, double &t, const double *g=0) const
 Compute a foot point of the perpendicular line from point p to the curve. [詳解]
MGPosition_list perpendiculars (const MGCurve &crv) const
 Compute all the perpendicular points of this curve and the second one. [詳解]
MGPosition_list perps (const MGCompositeCurve &crv2) const
MGPosition_list perps (const MGTrimmedCurve &crv2) const
virtual MGPosition pick_closest (const MGStraight &sl) const
 Compute the parameter value of the closest point from the straight to this object. [詳解]
virtual void polygonize (double error, MGLBRep &lb2) const
 Approximate this curve by a polyline and output to lb2. [詳解]
MGPosition range (const MGPosition &t) const
 Round t into geometry's parameter range. [詳解]
std::auto_ptr< MGCurverebuild (int how_rebuild=1, int parameter_normalization=2, double tol=-1., int ordr=0, const double *param_range=0) const
 Rebuild this curve. [詳解]
virtual MGCurverotate_self (const MGVector &v, double, const MGPosition &=mgORIGIN)
 Update curve by rotating around straight line. [詳解]
std::auto_ptr< MGLBRepscalePolar (double angleBase, double angle1, double angle2) const
 Obtain polar-rotated curve of this. [詳解]
virtual MGPosition start_point () const
 Return start point(始点を返却する). [詳解]
virtual int tangent_guess (double t0, double t1, const MGPosition &P, double tg, double &t) const
 Return tangent point from a point P, given guess starting paramter tg. [詳解]
void trim_end (double t)
 Trim the end part of this curve at the parameter t. [詳解]
void trim_start (double t)
 Trim the start part of this curve at the parameter t. [詳解]
void trim_start_and_end (double ts, double te)
 Trim the start part and end part of this curve at the parameter ts and te. [詳解]
virtual std::auto_ptr< MGLBRepPolarCoordinatesLBRep () const
 Obtain polar coordinates system MGLBRep of this curve. [詳解]
- 基底クラス MGGeometry に属する継承公開メンバ関数
 MGGeometry ()
 Void constructor(初期化なしでオブジェクトを作成する。) [詳解]
 MGGeometry (const MGGeometry &geo2)
 Copy constructor. [詳解]
virtual ~MGGeometry ()
 Virtual Destructor. [詳解]
virtual MGGeometryoperator= (const MGGeometry &gel2)
virtual MGGeometrygeometry ()
 Return MGGeometry pointer if this MGGel is an MGGeometry, else return null. [詳解]
virtual const MGGeometrygeometry () const
const MGBoxbox () const
 Return minimum box that includes whole of the geometry. [詳解]
virtual void draw3DVertex (mgVBO &vbo) const
bool is_null () const
 Test if this is null. [詳解]
double parameter_error () const
 Error allowed in the parameter space of the geometry. [詳解]
- 基底クラス MGObject に属する継承公開メンバ関数
 MGObject ()
 Void constructor(初期化なしでオブジェクトを作成する。) [詳解]
 MGObject (const MGObject &obj2)
 Copy constructor. [詳解]
virtual ~MGObject ()
 Virtual Destructor. [詳解]
virtual MGObjectoperator= (const MGObject &obj2)
MGAppearanceappearance ()
const MGAppearanceappearance () const
virtual void shade (mgVBO &vbo, const MGDrawParam &para, mgVBO::ELEMENT_TARGET target=mgVBO::SHADING) const
 Shade the object in world coordinates. [詳解]
MGAppearanceensure_appearance ()
virtual void make_display_list (MGCL::VIEWMODE vmode=MGCL::DONTCARE) const
 Make a display list of this gel. [詳解]
bool has_common (const MGObject &obj2) const
const MGObjectincludes_object () const
 Test if this gel includes an object. [詳解]
MGObjectincludes_object ()
 Test if this gel includes an object. [詳解]
virtual MGisects intersection (const MGPoint &obj2) const
void remove_appearance ()
 Remove the MGAppearance of this MGAttribedGel. [詳解]
virtual MGObjectobject ()
 Return MGObject pointer if this MGGel is an MGObject, else return null. [詳解]
virtual const MGObjectobject () const
virtual const MGFSurfacefsurface () const
 Get the MGFSurface pointer if this is MGSurface or MGFace. [詳解]
virtual MGFSurfacefsurface ()
void set_appearance (const MGAppearance &appr2)
virtual void transform (const MGVector &v)
 Transform the gel by the argument. [詳解]
virtual void transform (double scale)
 translation [詳解]
virtual void transform (const MGMatrix &mat)
 scaling. [詳解]
virtual void transform (const MGTransf &tr)
 matrix transformation. [詳解]
- 基底クラス MGAttribedGel に属する継承公開メンバ関数
 MGAttribedGel ()
 void constructor. [詳解]
 MGAttribedGel (const MGAttribedGel &gel2)
 copy constructor. [詳解]
virtual MGAttribedGeloperator= (const MGAttribedGel &gel2)
virtual ~MGAttribedGel ()
void copy_appearance (const MGAttribedGel &gel2)
mgVBOdlist_name () const
virtual bool displayList_is_made (MGCL::VIEWMODE vmode) const
 Judge if the display list for vmode is made or not. [詳解]
void deleteDlistName () const
virtual void drawAttrib (mgVBO &vbo, bool no_color=false) const
 Process of draw or render attributes. [詳解]
virtual void render_attribute () const
virtual int get_draw_attrib_mask () const
 Obtain attribute mask for glPushAttrib(). [詳解]
virtual int get_render_attrib_mask () const
int getVBOElementsNumber () const
 Get the number of elements of m_dlistName. [詳解]
int getVBOShaderElementsNumber () const
 Get the number of shading elements of m_dlistName. [詳解]
virtual bool no_display () const
void remove_GLattrib (long tid)
 Removed the attribute of specified type. [詳解]
virtual void set_GLattrib (MGGLAttrib *attr)
virtual void set_display ()
 Set this group as display or no display group. [詳解]
virtual void set_no_display ()
bool visible () const
void set_name (const MGName &newName)
const MGNameget_name () const
void set_color (const MGColor &newColor)
const MGColorget_color () const
void setDlistName (mgVBO *vbo=0) const
void setDirty (bool is_dirty) const
 Set dirty flag(s) of this VBO(m_dlistName). [詳解]
- 基底クラス MGGel に属する継承公開メンバ関数
virtual ~MGGel ()
 Virtual Destructor. [詳解]
virtual bool operator!= (const MGGel &gel2) const
virtual bool operator> (const MGGel &gel2) const
virtual MGAttribattrib ()
 Return MGAttrib pointer if this MGGel is an MGAttrib, else return null. [詳解]
virtual const MGAttribattrib () const
virtual MGGroupgroup ()
 Return MGGroup pointer if this MGGel is an MGGroup, else return null. [詳解]
virtual const MGGroupgroup () const
virtual MGPointpoint ()
 Return point pointer if this MGGel is an MGPoint, else return null. [詳解]
virtual const MGPointpoint () const
virtual MGSurfacesurf ()
 Return MGSurface pointer if this MGGel is an MGSurface, else return null. [詳解]
virtual const MGSurfacesurf () const
virtual MGTopologytopology ()
 Return MGTopology pointer if this MGGel is an MGTopology, else return null. [詳解]
virtual const MGTopologytopology () const
virtual MGFaceface ()
 Return MGFace pointer if this MGGel is an MGFace, else return null. [詳解]
virtual const MGFaceface () const
virtual MGShellshell ()
 Return MGShell pointer if this MGGel is an MGShell, else return null. [詳解]
virtual const MGShellshell () const
std::string string_content () const
bool type_is (const MGAbstractGels &types) const
virtual void display_control_polygon (mgSysGL &sgl) const


MGCParam_list intersect_1D (double f, int coordinate=0) const
std::auto_ptr< MGCurveoneD (const double g[4]) const
void ReadMembers (MGIfstream &buf)
void WriteMembers (MGOfstream &buf) const
- 基底クラス MGCurve に属する継承限定公開メンバ関数
void approximate_as_LBRep2 (MGLBRep &lb, int order, int is, int ie, bool neglectMulti=false) const
 Approximate this curve as a MGLBRep curve from knot_vector[is] to [ie]. [詳解]
virtual void data_points_for_approximate_as_LBRep2 (int is, int ie, MGKnotVector &t, MGNDDArray &tau, bool neglectMulti=false) const
 Get data points for approximate_as_LBRep2. [詳解]
void extrapolated_pp (double tau, double dk, MGPPRep &pp) const
 Obtain an extrapolated PP-Rep curve by the parameter value. [詳解]
virtual MGCCisect_list isect_with_noCompoSC (const MGSurfCurve &curve2) const
 isect with SurfCurve whose m_curve is not a MGTrimmedCurve of MGCompositeCurve. [詳解]
virtual MGPosition_list perps_withC1LB (const MGLBRep &lbC1) const
 Perpendicular points with C1 conitnuity LBRep. [詳解]
virtual MGPosition_list perps_with_noCompoSC (const MGSurfCurve &curve2) const
 Perpendicular points of this to curve2. [詳解]
MGPosition_list perpsSl (const MGStraight &sl) const
 Perpendicular points with straight. [詳解]
virtual void update_mark ()
 Mark this as updated. [詳解]
- 基底クラス MGGeometry に属する継承限定公開メンバ関数
MGGeometryset_geometry (const MGGeometry &geo2)
 Assignment. [詳解]
- 基底クラス MGObject に属する継承限定公開メンバ関数
MGObjectset_object (const MGObject &gel2)


MG_DLL_DECLR friend MGTrimmedCurve operator+ (const MGVector &v, const MGTrimmedCurve &cv2)
MG_DLL_DECLR friend MGTrimmedCurve operator* (double scale, const MGTrimmedCurve &cv2)


- 基底クラス MGGeometry に属する継承限定公開変数類
- 基底クラス MGAttribedGel に属する継承限定公開変数類
std::auto_ptr< mgVBOm_dlistName
 display name if m_dlistName!=0; [詳解]


MGTrimmedCurve is a part of an original curve of a limitted parameter range.

MGTrimmedCurve is a part of original curve that has limitted parameter range. MGTrimmedCurve is a temporal curve, and does not have update functions.


MGTrimmedCurve::MGTrimmedCurve ( )
MGTrimmedCurve::MGTrimmedCurve ( const MGTrimmedCurve tc)
MGTrimmedCurve::MGTrimmedCurve ( const MGCurve crv,
const MGInterval  range 

copy constructor.

MGTrimmedCurve::MGTrimmedCurve ( const MGCurve crv,
double  t1,
double  t2 

subcurve of the input curve crv from t1 to t2. t1 may be >t2. In this case, the curve will be from t2 to t1.

MGTrimmedCurve::~MGTrimmedCurve ( )


void MGTrimmedCurve::approximate_as_LBRep ( MGLBRep lb,
int  ordr = 0,
int  parameter_normalization = 0,
bool  neglectMulti = false 
) const

Approximate this curve as a MGLBRep curve within the tolerance MGTolerance::line_zero(). When parameter_normalization=0, reparameterization will not done, and the evaluation at the same parameter has the same values before and after of approximate_as_LBRep.

lbApproximated obrep will be set.
ordrnew order. When this is MGLBRep, if ordr=0, ordr=order() will be assumed, else ordr=4 is assumed.
parameter_normalizationIndicates how the parameter normalization be done: =0: no parameter normalization. =1: normalize to range=(0., 1.); =2: normalize to make the average length of the 1st derivative is as equal to 1. as possible.
neglectMultiIndicates if multiple knots be kept. true: multiplicity is removed. false: multiplicity is kept.


const MGCurve* MGTrimmedCurve::base_curve ( ) const

Return parameter curve's pointer.

int MGTrimmedCurve::bdim ( ) const

Returns B-Rep Dimension.


MGBox MGTrimmedCurve::box_limitted ( const MGInterval ) const

Return minimum box that includes the curve of parameter interval. 入力のパラメータ範囲の曲線部分を囲むボックスを返す。


MGTrimmedCurve& MGTrimmedCurve::change_dimension ( int  dim,
int  start1,
int  start2 

Changing this object's space dimension.

dimnew space dimension
start1Destination order of new object.
start2Source order of this object.


void MGTrimmedCurve::change_range ( double  t1,
double  t2 

Change parameter range, be able to change the direction by providing t1 greater than t2.

t1Parameter value for the start of original.
t2Parameter value for the end of original.


MGCurve* MGTrimmedCurve::clone ( ) const

Construct new curve object by copying to newed area. User must delete this copied object by "delete".


int MGTrimmedCurve::common ( const MGCurve curve2,
std::vector< double > &  vecComSpan,
MGCCisect_list isect 
) const

目的:与えられた曲線と自身の共通部分があるかどうか調べる。 引数: const MGCurve& curve2, (I/ ) 与えられる曲線 std::vector<double>& vecComSpan ( /O) 共通部分のパラメータ範囲 4nの配列で、vecComSpan(4*i+0),vecComSpan(4*i+1)が自身のパラメータ範囲 (vecComSpan(4*i+0) < vecComSpan(4*i+1))、 vecComSpan(4*i+2),vecComSpan(4*i+3)がcurve2のパラメータ範囲 MGCCisect_list& isect ( /O) 交点 戻り値: 3:交点も共通部分も求まった 2:交点のみが求まった 1:共通部分のみが求まった 0:交点も共通部分もなかった -1:共通エッジの収束計算エラー -2:共通エッジが4個以上求まった(のっていないと見なす) 追記: 曲線が共通かどうかの誤差にはline_zero()、をパラメータ範囲の収束計算の 誤差には、パラメータ範囲*rc_zero()を使用した


int MGTrimmedCurve::common ( const MGCurve curve2,
std::vector< double > &  vecComSpan 
) const

目的:与えられた曲線と自身の共通部分があるかどうか調べる。 引数: const MGCurve& curve2, (I/ ) 与えられる曲線 std::vector<double>& vecComSpan ( /O) 共通部分のパラメータ範囲 4nの配列で、vecComSpan(4*i+0),vecComSpan(4*i+1)が自身のパラメータ範囲 (vecComSpan(4*i+0) < vecComSpan(4*i+1))、 vecComSpan(4*i+2),vecComSpan(4*i+3)がcurve2のパラメータ範囲 戻り値: 共通部分の数: 共通部分が求まった 0: 共通部分がなかった -1: 共通エッジの収束計算エラー -2: 共通エッジが4個以上求まった(のっていないと見なす) 追記: 曲線が共通かどうかの誤差にはline_zero()を、パラメータ範囲の収束計算の誤差には、 パラメータ範囲*rc_zero()を使用した


MGCurve* MGTrimmedCurve::copy_as_nurbs ( ) const

copy as a newed curve. The new curve will be MGLBRep or MGRLBRep. When original curve was a MGRLBRep, the new curve will be a MGRLBRep. Otherwise, the new curve will be a MGLBRep. Returned object must be deleted.


MGCurve* MGTrimmedCurve::copy_change_dimension ( int  sdim,
int  start1 = 0,
int  start2 = 0 
) const

Construct new curve object by changing the original object's space dimension. User must delete this copied object by "delete".

sdimnew space dimension
start1Destination order of new line.
start2Source order of this line.


MGCurve* MGTrimmedCurve::copy_limitted ( const MGInterval prange) const

Construct new curve object by copying to newed area, and limitting the parameter range to prange. Returned is newed object and must be deleted. Returned curve is not TrimmedCurve, but a part copy of the original curve.


MGCurve* MGTrimmedCurve::copy_limitted ( ) const
double MGTrimmedCurve::curvilinear_integral ( double  t1,
double  t2 
) const

Compute curvilinear integral of the 1st two coordinates. This integral can be used to compute area sorounded by the curve. (線積分)を求める。 curvilinear_integral from t1 to t2 can be obtained by Integral of (x*dy-y*dx) about t, where curve is expressed by f(t)=(x(t),y(t)), dx=dx/dt, and dy=dy/dt.


int MGTrimmedCurve::divide_multi ( MGPvector< MGCurve > &  crv_list,
int  multiplicity = -1 
) const

Divide this curve at the designated knot multiplicity point. Function's return value is the number of the curves after divided.

crv_listdivided curves will be appended.
multiplicitydesignates the multiplicity of the knot to divide at, When multiplicity<=0, order()-1 is assumed, When multiplicity>=order(), order() is assumed.


void MGTrimmedCurve::drawSE ( mgVBO vbo,
double  span_length,
double  t0,
double  t1 
) const

Draw this curve into vbo, approximating with polyline.

vboThe target graphic object.
span_lengthLine segment span length.
t0Start parameter value of the curve.
t1End parameter value of the curve, Draw will be performed from t0 to t1.


MGVector MGTrimmedCurve::eval ( double  t,
int  nderiv = 0,
int  left = 0 
) const

Evaluate n'th derivative data. n=0 means positional data evaluation.

tParameter value.
nderivOrder of Derivative.
leftLeft continuous(left=true) or right continuous(left=false).


void MGTrimmedCurve::extend ( double  length,
bool  start = false 

Extrapolate this curve by an (approximate) chord length. The extrapolation is C2 continuous.

lengthapproximate chord length to extend.
startFlag of which point to extend, start or end point of the line, If start is true extend on the start point.


long MGTrimmedCurve::identify_type ( ) const

Return This object's typeID.


bool MGTrimmedCurve::in_range ( double  t) const

Test if input parameter value is inside parameter range of the line.


MGCParam_list MGTrimmedCurve::intersect_1D ( double  f,
int  coordinate = 0 
) const

Compute intersection point of 1D sub curve of original curve. Parameter values of intersection point will be returned.

fCoordinate value
coordinateCoordinate kind of the data f(from 0).


int MGTrimmedCurve::intersect_dnum ( ) const

Provide divide number of curve span for function intersect.


bool MGTrimmedCurve::is_planar ( MGPlane plane) const

Test if this parameter range is the same as the original m_curve's.

Test if this cure is planar or not. MGPlane expression will be out to plane if this is planar. Function's return value is true if planar.


bool MGTrimmedCurve::is_same_curve ( const MGCurve curve2) const

Logical operator overload(論理演算子多重定義) 2つの曲線が等しいかどうか比較し判定する。 Comparison of two curves.

bool MGTrimmedCurve::is_same_range ( ) const
MGCCisect_list MGTrimmedCurve::isect ( const MGCurve curve2) const

Intersection of Curve and Surface.


MGCCisect_list MGTrimmedCurve::isect ( const MGStraight curve2) const


MGCCisect_list MGTrimmedCurve::isect ( const MGRLBRep curve2) const


MGCCisect_list MGTrimmedCurve::isect ( const MGEllipse curve2) const


MGCCisect_list MGTrimmedCurve::isect ( const MGLBRep curve2) const


MGCCisect_list MGTrimmedCurve::isect ( const MGSurfCurve curve2) const


MGCCisect_list MGTrimmedCurve::isect ( const MGBSumCurve curve2) const


MGCCisect_list MGTrimmedCurve::isect ( const MGTrimmedCurve curve2) const
MGCCisect_list MGTrimmedCurve::isect ( const MGCompositeCurve curve2) const
MGCSisect_list MGTrimmedCurve::isect ( const MGSurface surf) const

Intersection with a Surface.


MGCSisect_list MGTrimmedCurve::isect ( const MGPlane surf) const


MGCSisect_list MGTrimmedCurve::isect ( const MGSphere surf) const


MGCSisect_list MGTrimmedCurve::isect ( const MGCylinder surf) const


MGCSisect_list MGTrimmedCurve::isect ( const MGSBRep surf) const


MGCSisect_list MGTrimmedCurve::isect ( const MGRSBRep surf) const


MGCSisect_list MGTrimmedCurve::isect ( const MGBSumSurf surf) const


double MGTrimmedCurve::knot ( int  i) const

Access to i-th element of knot.


const MGKnotVector& MGTrimmedCurve::knot_vector ( ) const

Returns the knot vector.


double MGTrimmedCurve::length ( double  t1,
double  t2 
) const

Cmpute curve length of the interval. If t1 is greater than t2, return negative value. 与えられたパラメータ値間の曲線の長さを返す。 パラメータが昇順で与えられたときは正値、降順のときは負値を返す。


double MGTrimmedCurve::length_param ( double  t,
double  len 
) const

Inverse function of length. Compute the point that is away from the point t by length len. lengthの逆関数。指定パラメータtで示される点から指定距離len 曲線上に沿って離れた点を示すパラメータ値を返す。


MGTrimmedCurve& MGTrimmedCurve::limit ( const MGInterval )

Update this by limiting the parameter range of the curve. 自身に指定したパラメータ範囲のlimitをつける。


double MGTrimmedCurve::negate_param ( double  t) const

Obtain parameter value if this curve is negated by "negate()".


std::auto_ptr<MGCurve> MGTrimmedCurve::oneD ( const double  g[4]) const

Obtain so transformed 1D curve expression of this curve that f(t)={sum(xi(t)*g[i]) for i=0(x), 1(y), 2(z)}-g[3], where f(t) is the output of oneD and xi(t) is i-th coordinate expression of this curve. This is used to compute intersections with a plane g[4].

gPlane expression(a,b,c,d) where ax+by+cz=d.


bool MGTrimmedCurve::operator< ( const MGTrimmedCurve gel2) const
bool MGTrimmedCurve::operator< ( const MGGel gel2) const


MGTrimmedCurve& MGTrimmedCurve::operator= ( const MGGel gel2)

Assignment. When the leaf object of this and crv2 are not equal, this assignment does nothing.


MGTrimmedCurve& MGTrimmedCurve::operator= ( const MGTrimmedCurve el2)
bool MGTrimmedCurve::operator== ( const MGTrimmedCurve gel2) const


bool MGTrimmedCurve::operator== ( const MGCompositeCurve crv) const



bool MGTrimmedCurve::operator== ( const MGGel gel2) const



int MGTrimmedCurve::order ( ) const

Returns the order.


std::ostream& MGTrimmedCurve::out ( std::ostream &  ) const

Output function.


int MGTrimmedCurve::out_to_IGES ( MGIgesOfstream igesfile,
int  SubordinateEntitySwitch = 0 
) const

IGES output function.


double MGTrimmedCurve::param_e ( ) const

Return ending parameter value.


double MGTrimmedCurve::param_normalize ( double  t) const

Normalize parameter value t to the nearest knot if their distance is within tolerance.


MGInterval MGTrimmedCurve::param_range ( ) const

Return parameter range of the curve(パラメータ範囲を返す)


double MGTrimmedCurve::param_s ( ) const

Return starting parameter value.


MGCurve* MGTrimmedCurve::part ( double  t1,
double  t2,
int  multiple = 0 
) const

Compute part of this curve from parameter t1 to t2. Returned is the pointer to newed object, and so should be deleted by calling program, or memory leaked.

t1target parameter range from t1,
t2to t2.
multipleIndicates if start and end knot multiplicities are necessary. =0:unnecessary, !=0:necessary.


MGCParam_list MGTrimmedCurve::perps ( const MGPosition P) const

Compute all foot points of the perpendicular line from point to the curve. 与ポイントから曲線へ下ろした垂線の足の,曲線のパラメータ値を すべて求める。



MGPosition_list MGTrimmedCurve::perps ( const MGCurve crv2) const

Compute all the perpendicular points of this curve and the second one. That is, if f(s) and g(t) are the points of the two curves f and g, then obtains points where the following conditions are satisfied: fs*(f-g)=0. gt*(g-f)=0. Here fs and gt are 1st derivatives at s and t of f and g. MGPosition P in the MGPosition_list contains this and crv's parameter as: P(0)=this curve's parameter, P(1)=crv2's parameter value.


MGPosition_list MGTrimmedCurve::perps ( const MGStraight crv2) const


MGPosition_list MGTrimmedCurve::perps ( const MGRLBRep crv2) const


MGPosition_list MGTrimmedCurve::perps ( const MGEllipse crv2) const


MGPosition_list MGTrimmedCurve::perps ( const MGLBRep crv2) const


MGPosition_list MGTrimmedCurve::perps ( const MGSurfCurve crv2) const


MGPosition_list MGTrimmedCurve::perps ( const MGBSumCurve crv2) const


int MGTrimmedCurve::project ( const MGFSurface surf,
MGPvector< MGCurve > &  vec_crv_uv,
MGPvector< MGCurve > &  vec_crv,
const MGVector vec 
) const

曲線を面に面直またはベクトル投影して曲線リストを求める。 投影曲線は面上のパラメータ曲線と3次元曲線としてそれぞれ順番に、 vec_crv_uv, vec_crvに格納される。 uv曲線のトレランスはrc_zero()を、3次元曲線はline_zero()をそれぞれ使用している。 get perpendicular or vector projection curve list. uv projection curves are put into vec_crv_uv(rc_zero() is used), 3d projection curves are put into vec_crv(line_zero() is used) respectively. 戻り値: 投影曲線の数: 投影曲線が求まった 0: 投影曲線が求まらなかった -1: 内部処理エラー -2: 収束処理エラー(収束しなかった) 追記:引数vecが与えられない(null)とき、面直投影する。 Obtain the projected curve of a curve onto the surface. The direction of the projection is along the vector vec if the vec is not NULL, and normal to the surface if the vec is NULL. Output of 'project' is two kind of curves: one is general world coordinate curves('vec_crv'), and the other is (u,v) curves of the parameter space of the surfaces(vec_crv_uv). vec_crv_uv.size() is equal to vec_crv.size(). Let the size be n, then (vec_crv_uv[i], vec_crv[i]) is one pair for 0<=i<n. Function's return value is: >=0: number of curves obtained, <0 : Some error detected.


double MGTrimmedCurve::range ( double  t) const

Round t into curve's parameter range. 入力パラメータをパラメータ範囲でまるめて返却する。


void MGTrimmedCurve::ReadMembers ( MGIfstream buf)

メンバデータを読み込む関数 戻り値boolは正常に読み出しが出来ればtrue、失敗すればfalseになる ここでは処理対象となるデータメンバが無いので何も処理をしない。


int MGTrimmedCurve::sdim ( ) const

Return space dimension.


MGSurface* MGTrimmedCurve::sweep ( const MGUnit_vector uvec,
double  start_dist,
double  end_dist 
) const

Return sweep surface from crv Returned is a newed MGSurface, must be deleted. The sweep surface is defined as: This curve(say c(t)) is the rail and the straight line segments from C(t)+start_dist*uvec to C(t)+end_dist*uvec are the generatrix.

uvecSweep Direction.
start_distdistance to start edge.
end_distdistance to end edge.


MGCURVE_TYPE MGTrimmedCurve::type ( ) const

Return curve type(曲線のタイプを返す)


MGCurve& MGTrimmedCurve::unlimit ( )

Unlimit parameter range of the curve(limitをはずす)


MGCurve& MGTrimmedCurve::unlimit_end ( )

Unlimit parameter range of the curve to the end point direction (終点方向にlimitをはずす)


MGCurve& MGTrimmedCurve::unlimit_start ( )

Unlimit parameter range of the curve to the start point direction (始点方向にlimitをはずす)


std::string MGTrimmedCurve::whoami ( ) const


void MGTrimmedCurve::WriteMembers ( MGOfstream buf) const

メンバデータを書き込む関数 戻り値boolは正常に書き込みが出来ればtrue、失敗すればfalseになる ここでは処理対象となるデータメンバが無いので何も処理をしない。



MG_DLL_DECLR friend MGTrimmedCurve operator* ( double  scale,
const MGTrimmedCurve cv2 
MG_DLL_DECLR friend MGTrimmedCurve operator+ ( const MGVector v,
const MGTrimmedCurve cv2 
