#------------------------------------------------- # Flame GApps Config File #------------------------------------------------- # #------------------------------------------------- # File name: flamegapps-config.txt # Last updated: 2021-01-17 # In order for this config file to work, both, the FlameGApps ZIP and this config file must be placed in the same directory. # Avoid folder names that contain spaces in their name, for instance: use a folder name like "Google-Apps" instead of "Google Apps". # Explaining values for "GApps List": # 1 = App will be installed # 0 = App installation will be skipped # Default value is: 1 # If you don't want to remove your stock camera app(s) (for instance, SnapCam), set the value to 1 to skip removal # Default value is: 0 # ------------- GApps List -------------- # # Common apps in both editions (Basic and Full): CalendarSync=1 DigitalWellbeing=1 GooglePackageInstaller=1 MarkupGoogle=1 SetupWizard=1 SoundPickerGoogle=1 # Full edition (will not make any difference if used with Basic edition): DeviceHealthServices=1 GoogleClock=1 GoogleCalendar=1 GoogleCalculator=1 GoogleContacts=1 GoogleDialer=1 GoogleMessages=1 GoogleKeyboard=1 GooglePhotos=1 WallpaperPickerGoogle=1 # ---------- End of GApps List ----------- # # ------------- Other Items -------------- # # Keep Stock camera app/SnapCam (1=Yes, 0=No) ro.keep.snap=0 # Skip survival script [addon.d script] installation (1=Don't install survival script, 0=Install survival script) ro.skip.backup_script=0 # ---------- End of Other Items ---------- #