To help contribute translations, you can either download the base translation for the current release (diskimager_en.ts) or clone the entire git repository (see DEVEL.txt). Here are the basic steps: =========== Getting Qt: =========== You will need QT to do the translation. Download it from: The installation is as follows: welcome-> next qt account -> leave all empty, next setup -> next installation folder: c:\qt -> next select components: qt 5.7, deselect all, select minGW 5.3.0 -> next license Agreement: agree -> next start menu shortcuts -> next install installation finished -> next -> launch ====================== Add a new translation: ====================== First, install QT as described above. Next, run QT Linguist from the Windows Start Menu->QT folder. File -> Open diskimager_en.ts edit-> translation file settings, set target language and country/region. file-> save as Open diskimager_??.ts (where ?? is the region code for your translation). translate all the strings into the new language, save the file. To test it, select file->Release As and save teh resulting diskimager_??.qm to the translations directory where you installed Win32DiskImager. ====================== Share your translation: ====================== You can share this easily by uploading the diskimager_??.ts file as an attachment to the Feature Requests, email me a copy, or if you cloned the git repository, follow the instructions on Sourceforge to fork and do a merge request.